segunda-feira, 2 de novembro de 2009

Joanna Jerzyk 31.10.2009

18 anos


Belo Horizonte



My name is Joanna and I’m so happy because I’m going to the trip. I don’t speak so good Portuguese but I try all the time. From day to day I like Brasil more and more. Really I can stay here… We are going to Pantanal and Bonito now. There we have the possibility to see a lot of animals. I know I’m a little crazy because the animals are dangerous….

What I want and expect for this trip?? To have fun and meet new people. This trip is amazing. We have a lot of activities. Maybe, the friendship what we are making now, we will have also after the student Exchange . Now, we will stay 27 hours in the bus but it does not affect our sense of humor. We are so excited to know all of the exchange students. In the same time we want to thank the Rotary and Terra Brasil Turismo because they gave us the chance to see this amazing country.

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